Monday, January 28, 2013

Blog 3: Interview 3 Questions

1.) What does the word brotherhood regarding the fire department mean to you?

2.) What are your views on joining the military and becoming a firefighter there?

3.) What classes do you recommend for college when becoming a firefighter and why?

4.) What are your views on women and racial issues regarding the fire department?

5.) Has there ever been any instances where you and your fellow firefighters strayed away from the brotherhood motives?

6.) Why is the sense of brotherhood in the fire department important? Can you join the department and learn that sense or does it have to come natural?

7.) What are some ways to successfully be ahead of the class and ultimately become a firefighter?

8.) What is the most important factor when maintaining that sense of brotherhood in the fire department?

9.) Why do you believe that the job of being a firefighter is noble?

10.) What is the most memorable memory of the fire department for you?

Friday, January 18, 2013