Monday, May 20, 2013


Title : Mentorship

Fifty Hours:
Independent component#1:
Independent component #2:

Contact Name and phone number:
1.)Firefighter Roland Dykes:  Station 137 Pomona California
2.) Christopher Snowden:  U.S Navy

What is the most important thing you gained from this experience and why?
The most important thing I gained from this experience is in all honestly the experience itself. I have learned so much about the fire department from my mentorship. I have learned all about training and how to act as a team. My product from my senior project also came from my mentorship at Pomona station 137. I have learned how to work in a team in order to get what I needed to get done. I’m not only going to continue my mentorship after high school, but I am also going to pursue a higher form of my mentorship which is more ride-along and to become certified. So the most important thing I can take out of this was all of the knowledge I have learned and all of the friends that I have made.

How has what you have done helped you answer your essential question? Please explain.
What I have done has been the solid foundation to help answer my essential question. I have learned about everything there has to do with training. We have done physical training which involves running, push ups, sit-ups, etc.. I have learned how to use heavy machinery. I have learned how to train with a group of men. My mentorship as a whole has been nothing but training and has been the foundation of my entire senior project. It has helped me answer my essential question. I have learned how to train on a regular basis as wels as properly follow incident command systems because we train with it. We have mock practice where we have to practice a before, during, and after situation of a fire.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Exit interview questions

11.)    What is your essential question? What is the best answer for your question and why?
My essential question is what is the best way for a firefighter to extinguish a structural fire? My best answer regarding my essential question is answer number 2 which is to Practice drills and training techniques on a regular basis at the station.

22.)    What process did you take to arrive at this answer?
The process I took in order to arrive at this answer was definitely an experience to remember. I have been to many stations and met many firefighters throughout this journey. Every firefighter and station that I have been too has demanded a well balance of training throughout the day. I have done ride-along and witnessed firefighting in live action. The number one thing that a firefighter refers back to when in the line of duty is the training that they have done. A personal experience that I had that really made me understand the importance of training as a firefighter was when I had live fire training. We had trained and learned the techniques necessary in order to be able to extinguish a fire. We also were in the right physical condition to fight the fire therefore referring back to what we learned in training to efficiently extinguish the fire. Training is all we do at the station and because of this we will be able to arrive and perform when there is a call.

33.)    What problems did you face? How did you resolve them?
Some problems I faced in regards to my senior project were finding a mentor. I had a tough time finding a mentor that would stick with me and help me throughout this senior project. My first mentor only wanted to help me once every few months because of legal aspects. My second mentor went away to Iraq to serve in the navy. So to resolve this problem I talked to the senior team and within a few hours, I was put into the fire explorer program and gained a great mentor. Another problem I had was solidifying my essential question. I couldn’t decide on an essential question so what I did was, I sat down and analyzed all of my research and what I was training for and realized that focusing my attention on structure fire would be my best bet.

44.)    What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?
My most important source that really helped me understands my essential question was my mentor and explorer post 19. Explorer post 19 puts everything into perspective and makes us think for ourselves while teaching us at the same time. My mentorship has not only made me realize that training is my most important answer, but has let me put my answers to the test. Without them my senior project would have greatly suffered. My second form of source was my research. Specifically and article about fire engineering. This article helped me understand my first answer which is to follow incident command systems.

55.)    What is your product and why?
My product in regard to my senior project is working in a team. Firefighting is strongly group based. You have to be able to work with other people and work with them well. Yes ploy has been trying to teach me this for four years, but I didn’t truly realize how important it is to be able to communicate and listen to you fellow coworkers until I joined the explorer program. Teamwork is important and thanks to my senior project, I know realize that in order to be successful in certain jobs, you have to be able to work well with others. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

2014 Interview

Blog 23: 2014 Interview

1.)    Who did you interview and what house are they in?
I interviewed Leo Larino and he is in south House.

2.)    What ideas do you have for your senior project and why?
I have an idea of doing my senior project on basketball or sneakers, but I may decide on something else in the future. I decided on this because it has been something I have always been interested in.

3.)    What do you plan on doing for your ten hour summer internship?
If I chose to do basketball I would probably try to play with a team or I may just find some type of community service in regards to the sport

4.)    What do you hope to see or expect to see in watching the 2013 2-hour presentations?
 I expect to see some ideas for my own presentation and maybe some ideas for my own senior project.

5.)    What questions do you have in regards to the senior project that I can help answer?
I don’t really have any questions because all of the questions I had were answered before.