Sunday, December 2, 2012

Senior Project Update

Bog 10

(1) What are you currently doing in your independent component?

For my independent component I am trying to organize a fire day at a local school where a fire truck and some fireman go to a local elementary school and inform them about the fire department. First I am looking for a school with an open schedule and from there I will talk to the chief to try to setup this fire day.

(2)What is a recent piece of research (article, interview, or audio-visual) that have you reviewed you would say was significant in helping you understand where to go "next in your senior project? The piece of research should be something you reviewed in November. Please explain what you learned and where are you going next because of this piece of research.

The most recent piece of information that I read had to do with the military and firefighting. It opened my eyes to a different type of firefighting. It shows one of the best ways to start your firefighting career. The next piece after this research is going to a recruiting agency for either the army or navy and finding more information about military firefighting.

(3) Provide evidence from your independent component or the piece of research as something you recently did. For example, a photo of something you working on for your independent component or your notes from the video you watched.

Here is the link to the career firefighting in the military.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Working EQ and possible answers

1. What makes a firefighting rookie competitive?

2. I am not going to revise my eq at this time.

3. Get a possible degree in anything having to do with the fire department such as fire science.

Don’t complain and do all of your work in the fire department.

Get as many volunteer hours in the fire department as possible.

Start early to get the best chances in the future.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Blog 8

10 Minute Presentation


Prepared By:

Joseph Luna





Working EQ:

What is the best way to become a firefighter after getting your degree?

Objectives (Specify skills/information that will be learned.): I will be teaching the students about the firefighting program at mist colleges and backround information about how hard it truly is to become a firefighter.








Hello North house my name is Joseph Luna and I will be talking to you about becoming a firefighter today.
1 min

 Important Source

1: Interview 1


(Steps to check for student understanding)
      So what do you know about the firefighting programs in college?
      Does anyone know the types of test that you have to take in order to become a firefighter?
      At the end just ask if they have any specific questions about becoming a firefighter.
 1 min



(Give and/or demonstrate necessary information)
Break down what you plan on talking about into manageable sections.
    Literal: What I have learned about becoming a firefighter and how hard it is to become a firefighter.
    Interpretive: My first interview because he truly told me how tough it was to become a firefighter and how to get the best chances when wanting to become one.
    Applied: The best ways to make sure you have the best possible chances after getting your degree to become a firefighter.
    Literal: 3 min
    Interp: 2 min
    Applied: 2 min
I’m probably going to do a short powerpoint with minimal words mostly pictures.



(Describe the independent activity to reinforce this lesson)
No Activity for this Presentation
0 min

Materials (for activity)

No Activity



Probably say something along the lines of thank you very much for listening to my presentation, hope you learned a little bit about becoming a firefighter.
1 min

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Second interview questions

Blog #6

1.)What gave you the drive to become a firefighter and do you still have that drive?

2.) So what type of experience do you have in the field? How many major fires have you been in or how many emergency medical calls have you been aprt of?

3.) What is your greatest achievement since you have been a firefighter?

4.) How many years of experience do you have and a breakdown of those years?

5.) Why did you decide to become a firefighter?

6.) What was the hardest part in your journey when trying to become a firefighter?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Problem Statement

1) Firefighting

2) Problem in your topic. What will you do once you solve the problem

One of the main problems that I see in the fire stations is the weight of the equipment that they have to carry. It is extremely heavy and can sometimes slow the fireman down. The point of the equipment is to prevent the clothes from catching on fire. One of the ways that I would help fix this problem is to talk to my mentor captain Bryan Drolet, and maybe try to get a meeting with the fire chief of Ontario and bring t up to him. From there it will be easier to climb the ladder and eventually talk to people who can fix the problem.

3) Problem in your topic. What will you do once you solve the problem?

Another problem in my topic is useless house calls. When firefighter go on house calls they normally meet with the paramedics at the house. But most of the time the paramedic already has everything under control and the firefighters don’t need to do anything. I think that that costs the city a lot of money as well as insurances. I don’t know what I can do to maybe slow that down but one idea was to talk to city council ( I have ties with their lawyer) and maybe bring the topic up to them

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Working EQ

The Pentagon:
(1) Positive Statement: What positive thing happen as a result of what you have completed so far?

There has been many positive things that have happened to me so far because of the research I have done on firefighting. It definitely gave me a better understanding of how the fire department works and makes me want to learn even more about it. It also has shown me that becoming a firefighter is extremely hard and could take a very long time before you could get a job, so it is always a good idea to have a backup job.

(2) EQ Content: Pick a piece of research or your interview. How has it helped you improve your understanding of your topic?

There was a piece of research that explained the top 10 things to do before becoming a firefighter. It really helps because it shows what fire departments are looking for and the classes to take to become certified early on.

(3) What has worked for you so far in the senior project?

The research portion of the senior project has worked well for me so far. Research is very easy to fin and people have written a lot of articles on firefighting in general.

(4) What hasn't worked so far?

Getting in contact with my mentor has not worked out so well. I have tried to get in contact with him countless of numbers of times and even for my interview he never got back to me so I had to switch it at the last second.

(5) Finding Value: Based on your experience so far.

What possible question or questions come to mind regarding what you would like to study this year?

What are the best colleges to go to when wanting to become a firefighter?

Why is becoming a firefighter so hard?

What is your goal this year with your senior project?

My main goal this year is to become more educated in the firefighting field. I would like to get the best information so when I go to college I can start doing my studies right off the bat with minimal research because I did the majority of it senior year. I would also like to continue my volunteer firefighting experience.

Who would you like to talk to you next? Why?

I would like to talk to my mentor next because he is a captain and has many years in the firefighting field and is very knowledgeable when it comes to that.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Interview Preperation


1. who do you plan to interview? Why?


  I plan to interview captain Bryan Drolet. He is the captain at the Ontario  Fire Department station#2. He would be a great person to interview because he is very knowledgeable in the firefighting department because he has been doing it his whole life. He is very easy to talk to and enjoys telling people about his job making him a prime audience to interview.

2. You have to ask 5 questions. What additional questions do you plan to ask? Ask open-ended questions.


Some additional questions I would ask would be:

What are the flaws of the fire department and do you see these flaws improving in the future?

Why did you decide to become a firefighter and do you recommend this as a great lifestyle to go into?

What is your favorite and least favorite things about the fire department? Things you would change and things you would leave the same?

What got you interested in becoming a firefighter?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

BLOG2: Topic Choice


a. What is your topic and why?

The topic I have chosen is firefighting. The reason why I decided to choose firefighting is because its not only a field of interest for me, but it is also something I have always respected. I have always wanted to learn more and more about the men who save lives and put out fires. Becoming a firefighter is not an easy task and is a huge challenge in life if you want to become one. I also chose to do this topic because I have family members who are and have been firefighters. I have heard many good stories and sad stories about this occupation. After I did the summer mentorship program I knew for a fact that this was the topic of my choice. The level of respect I had for the men and women who are firefighters grew immensely and that is why I want to do firefighter as my topic.


b. What do you plan to accomplish this year with the topic?

I plan to accomplish a greater understanding of how hard it is to not only become a firefighter but to also understand how hard it is to keep up with the fast paced lives of a fireman. Firefighters serve long shifts and can pretty much do anything. I would also like to become more disciplined. Firefighters are and have to be extremely disciplined and yes I am disciplined but not to the extent of a fireman. The main goal I would like to reach at the end of this journey is to become more close with the fireman that I do my service learning with. One of the best ways to make it as a fireman is to know people and the stronger the relationship I can gain with the fireman the better it will aid me in the future.

Effective I-POLY citizen:
I plan to gain the skill of teamwork when doing my senior project. Teamwork is a huge part in becoming a firefighter because you have to work with a team all the time and becoming better team based is a definite must . This relates to becoming a better I-POLY citizen because I plan to get a better learning skill and improve on my teamwork capabilities when not only working in groups but in any type of club or social even that we may have at school. Also to make I-Poly in a way more uniform with more respect. The firefighters have to be professional and respectful at all times, this is something that will definitely be applied at ipoly.

Effective Communicator:
I plan to listen to the firefighters advice and again gain a better understanding of how it is to be respectful and listen. This will make me more effective as a communicator because it will not only help me gain respect when people are talking like when in class or during an I-POLY meeting, but will also help me when im talking to other I-POLY students whether they be in my grade or not. I will learn to talk to people with a more professional tone therefore making what I say taken more serious by people. This will hopefully be picked up by other students making there presentation skills even better.

Effective Learner:
I plan to listen to my instructors advice with an open mind and with the up most respect. This will make me more effective as a learner because the more I learn and pay attention the more likely I will pay attention in class more and be bale to help my fellow students if they ever need a hand in a subject.

Effective user of technology:
I plan to use devices such as the internet or cal poly data bases to become more intact with my topic. This will make me more effective as a user of technology because it will help me with my researching skills. It will in the end benefit me because college is a lot of researching and the better equipped I become with technology now the better for my future.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Summer mentorship Component

Literal: Ontario Fire station #2-

Contact- Caption Bryan Drolet- 909-260-4104

Did a walk around the two engines (trucks).
Learned ground rules for fire department.
Got a call for an elderly man where I had to carry in the medical supplies.
Trained with the rookie fireman. Had to pull hoses out and set up the equipment for certain types of situations.
Got another call where I had to help with the gurney.
Went on one more call before the day was over for a little boy where I had to carry equipment.
I was expected to clean the station, carry some equipment, and act professional and clean.

What are the rewards with becoming a firefighter?
What are the skills needed in order to become a firefighter.
What does a typical day look like in the life of a firefighter?
How do you get through a full 24 hour shift without getting tired?
Is all of the work and effort needed in school worth becoming a firefighter?


What is the most important thing you gained from this experience and why?

The most important thing I gained from this experience is the level of respect I have gained for these men. These men put there lives on the line to make the city of Ontario a safer place. It is definitely something I want to not only do for my senior project but also something I would like to achieve in the future.


How did what you do help you choose a topic? Why?

After spending a day t the fire station I was even more engaged in the topic than I was before. I was so impressed with what the men do and how much they know that it really helped me on that deciding factor on choosing my senior topic. I am very excited to do more research and further explore the firefighter way.