Monday, September 3, 2012

Summer mentorship Component

Literal: Ontario Fire station #2-

Contact- Caption Bryan Drolet- 909-260-4104

Did a walk around the two engines (trucks).
Learned ground rules for fire department.
Got a call for an elderly man where I had to carry in the medical supplies.
Trained with the rookie fireman. Had to pull hoses out and set up the equipment for certain types of situations.
Got another call where I had to help with the gurney.
Went on one more call before the day was over for a little boy where I had to carry equipment.
I was expected to clean the station, carry some equipment, and act professional and clean.

What are the rewards with becoming a firefighter?
What are the skills needed in order to become a firefighter.
What does a typical day look like in the life of a firefighter?
How do you get through a full 24 hour shift without getting tired?
Is all of the work and effort needed in school worth becoming a firefighter?


What is the most important thing you gained from this experience and why?

The most important thing I gained from this experience is the level of respect I have gained for these men. These men put there lives on the line to make the city of Ontario a safer place. It is definitely something I want to not only do for my senior project but also something I would like to achieve in the future.


How did what you do help you choose a topic? Why?

After spending a day t the fire station I was even more engaged in the topic than I was before. I was so impressed with what the men do and how much they know that it really helped me on that deciding factor on choosing my senior topic. I am very excited to do more research and further explore the firefighter way.

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